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Triad Arts with David Ford

Triad Arts Weekend!

July 29, 2011

Voices of Haiti: a Post-Quake Odyssey in Verse by Pulitzer Center Ghanian born, Jamaican poet, Kwame Dawes will rock you to your very core. He talks about it with TAUC host David Ford ahead of the premiere at the 11th biennial National Black Theatre Festival This is part 2 of their interview.

Carolina Summer Music Festival (CSMF) 2011 is once again harnessing the beauty and expression of chamber music to present an enormous variety of music-- from Baroque to big band and beyond--in an equally varied group of intimate Winston-Salem venues. CSMF Co-Director and French hornist Joe Mount provides a season preview. This is part 2 of his conversation with TAUC host David Ford.

Triad Arts for July 16, 2011


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