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Triad Arts with David Ford

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Sending Christmas Cards to Huck and Hamlet

December 25, 2012

Poet and educator Joseph Mills is a faculty member at the University of North Carolina School of the Arts, where he holds the Susan Burress Wall Distinguished Professorship in the Humanities.

His published work includes poetry, fiction, drama, and criticism including four volumes of poetry with Press 53: Angels, Thieves, and Winemakers, Somewhere During the Spin Cycle, and Love and Other Collisions, and his latest collection Sending Christmas Cards to Huck and Hamlet.

Pulitzer-nominated, award-winning author Anthony Abbott calls it, “…one of the most original collections of poetry I have ever encountered—original because it treats the whole world of books, poems, stories, and fairy tales not only as being somehow more real than reality itself, but as our most important lifelines to reality itself.” Well said.

Joe stopped by to talk about Sending Christmas Cards to Huck and Hamlet.

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