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Triad Arts with David Ford

Listen (mp3)Listen to Triad Arts as broadcast at 8:35 a.m. & 5:44 p.m
Honor Card Program 2012

December 6, 2012

Homelessness is a challenge for nearly every community. The homeless need emergency care, affordable housing, health care, and education. In 1988 North Carolina artist William Mangum was asked to lend his assistance to Greensboro Urban Ministry’s then struggling fundraiser, the Honor Card Program for the homeless. During the Holiday Season, Honor Cards are available for a minimum donation of $5 each. Individuals who purchase Honor Cards send them to friends and family, indicating that they have been honored by a donation to a local outreach agency. All proceeds go directly to each agency.

Within each of Bill’s beautiful paintings is the subtle image and story of the needy. This year’s Honor Card is dedicated to our homeless veterans who have stumbled along life’s journey. As the Honor Card program reaches its 25th anniversary, over $4,000,000 dollars have been raised to support homeless agencies in cities across North Carolina.

Bill has been personally touched by the needs of the homeless. He spoke with me by phone from his studio in Greensboro about why he’s donated his artistic skills and publishing gifts to this worthy cause.

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