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Triad Arts with David Ford

Listen (mp3)Listen to the program as broadcast on March 27, 2012
Listen (mp3) Listen to David's complete interview with Farmer Jason here!
Farmer Jason

March 27, 2012

Throughout the 1980s, Jason Ringenberg pioneered the fusion of punk rock and country as front man for the Country Hall of Fame band Jason and the Scorchers. Today he’s inspiring children to appreciate nature through song as Farmer Jason. His family music recordings have won a slew of major awards from Disney, Parents’ Choice, the Los Angeles Times and others, and now you and your family can hear Farmer Jason live in concert on Friday, March 30th at 7:00pm in the Milton Rhodes Center for the Arts in Winston-Salem. He’ll be featuring songs from his new recording Nature Jams out on the myKaZoo label that's dedicated purely to family music. Last month Jason spoke with TAUC host David Ford about the new CD by phone from his farm in Bon Aqua, Tennessee.

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