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Real People, Real Stories

Silent Friends

February 13, 2011

StoryLine gives voice to everyday people throughout our community as they share the experiences that shape their lives.

This week on StoryLine, vocalist Jane Gray recalls how the kindness of one couple resulted in her living her dream.

She was born in Winston-Salem in 1924. And at the age of five, she sang a solo at Fairview Moravian Church, fueling her dream to be a professional singer.

She attended Salem College but during her freshman year, her father died. Jane wasn't sure how she was going to pay for tuition and books untiil she met two 'silent friends'.

With their help, she graduated Salem College with a bachelor degree in music and voice. Then she sang opera internationally. Today, she honors their memory.

StoryLine is a project of the ECHO network and is made possible by the generosity of Salemtowne, a continuing care retirement community, where every life shines and stories are celebrated.

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